Not Just For Career Days

I know, I know.  You’re FINALLY done with the school year (congratulations!) and I’m sure most of you are getting ready for summer vacations and getting ready to relax.  Or, maybe some of you are working over the summer.  Either way, I bet you’re not thinking about career days right now!

I’m going to keep this email short and let you get back to your summer.  Did you know some of you actually use the scheduling software to schedule events beyond career day events?  I have worked with schools that use the software to schedule activities and even summer in service and training.

I mentioned in my last email about security and user enhancements this summer.  We’re working on them now and look to have it ready to go by the fall semester.  If you’re using the software over the summer, don’t worry – everything will stay up and running and work throughout the summer.

We’ll send more info as we get closer, but that’s all for now.  Go enjoy your summer!

– Scott

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