2018 Lone Star State School Counselor Association Annual Conference, Frisco, TX
All Presentations

- Handout 1 - College Pennant & Trinket email
- Handout 2 - Recruitment Letter
- Handout 3 - Initial Email to New Presenters
- Handout 4 - Email to Returning Presenters
- Handout 5 - Questions for Presenters to Address
- Handout 6 - Equipment Needs - Email to Presenters
- Handout 7 - Parking Info & Last minute email to presenters
- Handout 8 - Logistics for Faculty & Staff on Career Day
- Handout 9 - Staff Assistance for Career Day
- Handout 10 - Monitor Stations
- Handout 11 - Outclass Coverage
- Handout 12 - Room Assignments